Guest Blogger: Dr. Heather Browne

Everyone knows about the magic of a bean stalk, but did you know there’s also magic at a grape stomp? It is something that only happens at Ramona’s very own award winning Grant James Winery.
You know there’s something special as you turn off Old Ramona Highway. There’s something unique in the air. I don’t know if it’s the fairies or whether it’s the gift of Susanne’s love, but every inch is full bodied with dreams, grit, and tender care.
This vineyard is Suzy's dream. She spent years upon years building this experience for you. You can see it in every tendril of vine and in the beautiful kaleidoscopic bouquet of leaves and fruit. And this is why people come from all around, rain and shine to sip and to savor on the nectar of Bellatrix and Alicante Bouschet.
I have come numerous times. Two visits really stand out. Stomp and Harvest. I’d never been to either, but wanted to experience the beauty of the land, the vines, and the celebration of a full year's growth, now ready to harvest. Have you ever been? There’s a buzzing in the air of anticipation and of excitement about the opportunity to explore parts of the Vineyard that you might miss when you come in for a tasting.
There’s lessons in a stomp:
1. Be ready to move and adjust as necessary.
2. Look intently to what is there, right before you.
3. Choose wisely for what best suits you.
4. Take only what’s needed.
5. Protect what’s yours.
6. Listen to instructions.
Suzy guided us through how to get the most out of the stomp and the most juice out of the
More lessons:
7. Give it all you’ve got.
8. Every minute is important.
9. Laugh in what you do.
10. Celebrate whether you win or lose, Enjoy the experience.
On my second special visit, I came shortly there after, during Harvest. We arrived to do more than sip. More than stomp. We came to help pick and pluck the next year’s signature fruit. I’d never been to a harvest. All I knew is that I wanted to help.
About a 100 people gather to volunteer and assist in going out into the fields, searching through row after row, bringing in all the ripened fruit from the vines. Each handful is desired and will be pressed. People were excited to help, knowing that they would now be a little bit of that flavor in the tastings ahead. And there is a huge amount of respect and appreciation shared.
So, whether you come to sip, to snip, or to stomp, I think you can see that there’s magic and
Grant James Vineyard with all the beautiful celebrations, events, and special dinners.
Come and enjoy. There are so many beautiful events coming. And the thrill of the wine club. Have you delighted yourself in joining yet?
Let yourself soak in the beauty and the tranquility that makes this place, Vineyard Grant James Vineyard, award winning in every way.
About the Author:
Dr. Heather Browne
Published Writer. Motivational Speaker. TikTok and YouTube Sensation. Psychotherapist bringing love, intimacy, and fairy dust to the world.
AND Susanne's college roommate